Providing an intelligent marketing model of the investment company gostaresh paya sanat sina

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Management Kish International Unit.Islamic Azad University.Kish Island .Iran.

2 Department of Management, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran.

3 University of Sout Tehran


Today, we are in the illusion of imagining that we have permanent loyal customers. We always have to be positive about losing customers because competitors are constantly increasing their awareness and effort. In such an environment, management has to evaluate and act wisely in all decisions. In this one-year study, the Fuzzy Delphi method introduced an intelligent marketing model for the sustainable expansion of the Sinai industry. The results show that the most important dimensions of the smart marketing model in three phases (input, analysis and output) are 13 general components and 42 indicators. Finally, based on the analysis performed, the final model of intelligent marketing was designed in three phases. Respected managers in this field are suggested to use the proposed model in order to create a competitive advantage.


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