Evaluating the Effect of EU Importers Market Structure on Iran's Raisin Exports

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student, Department of Agricultural Economics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Ph.D. Student in Agricultural Economics, University of Tehran.


Raisin is one of the most important agricultural export products of Iran, which has always been an export advantage. However, Iran's raisin export to the EU as the largest raisin importer in the world is very low. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effective factors with emphasis on the role of import market structure on Iran’s raisin exports to EU during period of 2001-2016. To achieve the objective of this study, gravity model was carried out based on unbalanced panel data. Findings indicate that per-capita income of the EU countries has a positive and significant effect on Iran's exports while the effect of economic difference between Iran and its partners and the economic crisis turned out to be negative and significant. Also, import market structure of trading partners has no significant effect on Iran’s raisin export. As a result import market structure is not a serious limiting factor. Accordingly, it is recommended that raisin exporters penetrate into the EU market as one of the most important and profitable destination markets in future export programs.


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