The Relationship between Transport, Economic Growth, and the Environment in Selected MENA Countries

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student of Economics,Tehran South Branch , Islamic Azad University,Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Economics,Tehran South Branch , Islamic Azad University,Tehran, Iran.


In the process of global moving towards sustainable development, consideration of environmental damage caused by the energy sector is essential. Much of the world's pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions is in the form of carbon dioxide generated by burning fossil fuels as a result of expansion of industrial development and transportation. In this study, the relationship between transport, economic growth, and the environment in selected MENA countries over the period 1996-2016 using the Simultaneous Equations System is investigated. The results indicate that despite the positive effect of the environment on GDP growth and transportation, environmental pollution also increases in the process of economic growth and transportation. Also, despite the positive effect of the transportation on economic growth, economic growth increases transport.


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