Investigating and Identifying the Optimal Combination of Deposits and Facilities in Kerman Keshavarzi Bank

Document Type : Research Paper


1 assistant professor, Department of Economics, Rafsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rafsanjan, Iran

2 Masters student, Department of Management, Rafsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rafsanjan, Iran

3 Department of Agricultural economics, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran


Introduction Banks are the main suppliers of financial resources to the real sectors of the economy (agriculture, industry and services) and in addition to their main function, the main motivation of banks is to equip and allocate resources and provide diverse services to customers, generating income and profit as other economic institutions. The purpose of this study is to present a mathematical model based on mathematical planning models to find the best combination of facilities and deposits of Keshavarzi Bank that will bring the most profit for the bank.
Materials and Methods: In this paper, the model is estimated by using of 2 programming methods: linear and fuzzy linear. To collect data, we used the available information in Agricultural (keshavarzi) bank of Kerman province.
Findings:  Due to the results, linear programming is more appropriate. So that the profit from payment of facilities using linear planning has increased by two percent (45462 million Rials) compared to fuzzy planning and by 11 percent (288790 million Rials) compared to the current allocation of the bank.
Conclusion:The results suggest that using linear programming could help the managers for allocating resources so that higher yields would be achieved. Linear programming methods are top priority compared to other method.


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