Effects of Optimal Cropping Pattern on Hydrological and Economic Situation of Zayandeh-Rood Watershed: Application of Hydrological-Economic Model

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Zabol

2 Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, University of Zabol

3 Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture and Rural development Engineering, Agriculture Sciences and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan, Ahvaz, Khozestan, Iran.


Introduction: Water resources in the Zayandehrood River basin have decreased sharply in recent decades due to drought and the effects of climate change and have challenged the livelihood of farmers in the basin. Therefore, providing a purposeful cropping pattern to increase the welfare of farmers according to the hydrological parameters of the basin can play an effective role in improving the hydrological and economic situation of the basin.
Materials and Methods: In this study, the hydrological simulation model (WEAP model) is combined with the economic optimization model with the aim of maximizing the farmers' gross margins. Also, MABIA module was used to estimate the net water requarment and yield of the crops under study.
Findings: The results showed that by applying the optimal economic cultivation model compared to the current situation, the gross margin for Najafabad, Mahyar Shomali, Lenjanat, Kuhpayeh-Segzi, Isfahan-Borkhar and Ben-Saman regions are 14, 5, 15, 18, , 15 and 20 million rials per hectare will increase, respectively. Also, using the new irrigation technologies in the optimal model compared to the current model, the hydrological parameters of the basin, including the amount of unmet water demand will be reduced about 14% and the reliability of water demand will be improved about 2%.
Conclusion: The results of this study show that by using an optimal cultivation model, the conflict between the two economic and hydrological objectives can be resolved and it is possible to improve the economic and hydrological conditions of the basin.


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