Economic Efficiency Analysis of Cold-Water Fish Production Based on Self-Reliance on Domestic or Imported Eggs

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D., Department of Agricultural Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


The use of imported versus trout eggs has been a major challenge in trout farming in Iran., which mainly arises from the average lower feed conversion ratio (FCR) of the imported trout species. However, the imported eggs are significantly more expensive and cannot be supplied permanently. This import problem is a threat to farms' production.
In this study, the DEA model is employed in the propagation and hatchery farms of Mazandaran Province.
According to the results, the farms made the appropriate use of their inputs. Allocative efficiency was the main distractive factor in the farms. The average economic efficiency of them is low and is higher in propagation farms rather than hatchery farms.
Changing the production structure in total dependent hatchery farms of Mazandaran to only propagate or hatch and propagate at the same time can be advisable. Moreover, the reduction of feed prices and labor costs is another solution to ensure economic efficiency and sustainable food security in this province.
