The Effect of Social Capital and Human Capital on Water Pollution in Iranian Provinces

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran


Water is one of the most important and vital factors in the life of living organisms. In this regard, prevention of water pollution is equally important and important. Water contaminating agents are very diverse and can pollute both groundwater and surface water. The main of this paper is to investigate the effect of social capital and human capital on water pollution in Iranian provinces during the period of 1396-1386. In this regard, using fuzzy logic of social capital was estimated in each province of the country and resulted showed large difference between provinces, then according to the dynamism of the model, the method of generalized moments was used. The results showed that social capital and human capital had a negative and significant effect on water pollution. Water contamination of the previous period, industrialization, economic growth and urbanization have had a positive and significant impact on water pollution in Iran's provinces. Also, the use of chemical fertilizer in agricultural land also has a positive and significant impact on water pollution.


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