Study of the Relationship between Environmental Pollution and Agricultural Growth in Selected Oil and Non-Oil Countries

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Education, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


Introduction: The study on the type of relationship between environmental pollution and economic growth (environmental Kuznets curve) has been a controversial issue of high interest for economists during the last three decades.
Materials and Methods: Considering the critical role of the agriculture in economic growth, this study aimed at investigating the relationship between emissions of two environmental pollutants (CO2 and SO2) and agricultural growth in a number of oil and non-oil countries by using a panel data set for the period 2003-2014.
Findings: Main results revealed the non-stationarity of variables and existence of a long-run co-integration relationship between them. Other findings confirmed the validity of environmental Kuznets curve in a quadratic form for both groups of countries. Moreover, the calculated elasticities showed higher sensitivity of the CO2 and SO2 emissions to the agricultural growth in oil countries.
Conclusion: Accordingly, it is recommended to pay attention to pollution control of upstream agricultural industries, which are the main sources of agricultural inputs.


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