Pattern of Food Products Consumption in Urban Households of Sistan and Baluchistan Province with Emphasis on Food Security

Document Type : Research Paper



Due to increasing urbanization and the dependence of urban households on food consumption, the food security of urban households is important; however, the issue of food security in the Sistan and Baluchistan province which is one of the underserved areas in the country, has been the main issue. In this paper, by using data of household budget expense in Sistan and Baluchistan province food intake was assessed in 2001 and for the convenience of the analysis 223 food items are divided into nine groups and the households were ranked on deciles basis. Then the Engel curve for each group was plotted by using LOWESS algorithm and MATLAB software. The results showed food consumption in the lower income deciles households was less than basic needs and they were food insecure. Urban households with low income had low purchasing power for two groups of "meat" and "fruits and nuts" that are the main sources of protein and carbohydrates. To remedy the situation, policies such as distributing subsidized food among low income deciles recommended.
