The Farm Planning in Jam County with Emphasis on Social and Private Benefits

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Agricultural Economics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.

2 Professor, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.

3 Associate Professor, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.


In Bushehr province finishing and becoming salty of groundwaters in some fields like Dayer, Kangan, Jam, Assaluyeh make alarm as an active for water lack in other fields of Bushehr province. This study considers the objectives of achieving the maximum economic gross margin, the minimum underground water draft as well as the reduced greenhouse gas emissions, then, attempts to determine optimal cropping pattern for farmers in Jam County. The data for the study were obtained following the completion of questionnaires 60 farmers in Jam County in the years 2017 and 2018. In this regard, a Fuzzy Multi-Objective Linear Programming Model was applied. The results illustrated that in the homogeneous group of farmers with more than 3 hectares, growing of such crops as wheat, tomato, cucumber, onion was decreased, the production of barely, aubergine was increased, water intake from ground fields 35%, emission of greenhouse gases 25% was decreased. However, government may consider some facilities for other cost making farmer’s activities providing stability, sustainability for coinciding this type of patterns for farming of mentioned region.


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