Study of the effect of information and communication technology on the employment of rural households in the central part of Aliabad Katoul city using a mild threshold approach in the period 1385 to 1399

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Economics, University of Science and Research

2 Faculty member of Tehran University of Research Sciences


The purpose of this study is to study the impact of information and communication technology on rural employment in the central part of Aliabad Katoul city. For this purpose, the threshold approach (STAR) and annual data for the years 1399-1385 were used. In the present age, this technology has many effects on all aspects of human life. One of the most important effects of ICT is its impact on the economy and especially rural employment. Considering the development of ICT in the country's villages since the beginning of the 1980s, in this study, 30 villages from the central part of Aliabad Katoul have been selected as a sample. The results of model estimation show that the variables of ICT costs share of household costs and Internet penetration coefficient in both regimes have a positive and significant effect on employment. According to the research results, it is suggested that the government, by holding training courses to explain the skills of using this technology to the villagers in order to create jobs and income, seems necessary.


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