Evaluation of Agricultural Sustainable Development Status in Yazd Province Using the Multi-Criteria Decision Making Method

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Agricultural Economics, Agriculture Faculty, Tabriz University, Tabriz.


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the process of agricultural sustainable development in Yazd province. The weighting of sustainability indicators has been done using the entropy and TOPSIS method was used for evaluation of sustainability. The results of the study show that in the period between 2001-2018, in the environmental dimension, the consumption of pesticide and conservation of natural resources indicators, in the social dimension, transportation, telephone communications and Natural growth rate of population, and in the economic dimension, The efficiency of red meat production and non-agricultural income have played an important role in the sustainable development of agriculture in Yazd province. The results show a reduction in the growth of sustainable development in economic and social dimensions, especially in recent years. But, in the environmental dimension, we see an obvious development of the agricultural sector. According to the results, it is suggested that more attention is given to the development of infrastructure facilities such as appropriate and asphalted communication roads, telephone communications, and access to health and electricity services in rural areas.


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