Evaluating the Status of Agrobiodiversity in Golestan Province

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.Sc. Student, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources.

2 Assistant Professor. Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources.


Introduction: Biodiversity as an approach to achieve sustainable development, play an important role in food security and earth balance. Also, the reduction of production capacity and biological capital is due to the destruction of biodiversity.
Methods: The required data have been collected from the agricultural jihad management of the cities of Golestan province in the form of 25 types of crops for 2017-2018.
Findings: According to the results, crop diversity of Golestan province is in the range of 0.74 (Gomishan city) to 2.25 (Bandar-e-Gaz city) And the uniformity index also shows that the species uniformity in Bandar-e-Gaz city with 0.75 has the highest and in Gomishan cities with 0.31 and Kalaleh with 0.30 has the lowest value. This can be due to climate differences and the number of available inputs and farm management in the cities of the province.
Conclusion: Due to the importance of agriculture in the economy of Golestan province and the existence of climatic differences in soil science, hydrology, and the range of changes in climatic parameters such as rainfall, temperature, and evaporation from the south to north of Golestan province; To plan for maintaining sustainability and biodiversity, more extensive studies should be conducted on crop and horticultural diversity of different climates in Golestan province.


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