Cost of power outage damages in the industrial animal husbandry sector: A case study of Isfahan province

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Economics, Department of Energy Economics, University of Mazandaran

2 MA in Economics, Department of Energy Economics, University of Mazandaran

3 Associate Professor of Economics, Department of Energy Economics, University of Mazandaran


Employing new technologiesin animal husbandry to meet the needs for protein has increased the importance of energy carriers especially electricityas well asthe negative and often irrecoverable effects of the qualityreduction of electricity and power outages impacts on the animal industry.The purpose of this study is to evaluate the costs of power outages for industrial animal husbandry; for this purpose, 43 subscribers of industrial animal husbandry in Isfahan province in 1399 were selected and with a researcher-made questionnaire, the required data for the willingness to pay method and direct value method were collected.The results of this study show that the Willingness to pay for each kilowatt of electricity not supplied, without prior notice, is at least 13,264 Rials and at most 78,988 Rials; The data obtained for the direct value method show that with increasing the duration of the interruption, the amount of damage caused per kilowatt-hour of unsupplied electricity decreases.The recommendation of this study is to increase reliability, declare shutdown in advance, reduce interruptions, and protect the industry-specific renewable energy production.


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