Establishment of a Structural Institution of the Local Water Market in the Irrigation Network of Tehran Province with Statewide Agricultural Production Model Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PHD in Agricultural Economics, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

3 Professor of Agricultural Science (Biotechnology) Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: Examining the potential effects of this event, which has received more and more attention from the international community, is an important step in the development of agricultural activities in Tehran province.

Methods: In the present study, using the approach of state or regional agricultural production model (SWAP), the economic behavior of Tehran farmers after participating in the structural institution of the local water market was modeled.

Findings: The results showed that with the establishment of local water market in Tehran province, in addition to sustainable balancing of water resources, it is possible to develop the acreage of irrigated products, albeit profitable in the cropping pattern of less water regions (Shahrerey and Varamin plains) and by balancing farmers’ gross profit, the negative consequences of the hydrological drought phenomenon are reduced to about 35.3% compared to the base period.

Conclusion: Establishing a local water market as a structural institution with private property rights in Tehran province can transfer surplus water resources in the study areas of southwestern Tehran province (regions C, D and E).


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