Investigating the effective factors on the acceptance of climate-based insurance by orange growers in Darab city

Document Type : Research Paper


1 2. Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Research,Education and Extension Organization

2 3. Ph.D. Student, Agricultural Economics, Payame Noor University University of Tehran

3 4. Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics, Payame Noor University University of Tehran


Introduction: Agricultural insurance, such as climate-based insurance, is one of the most important mechanisms for securing investment and reducing the effects of natural disasters.

Methods: The effective factors on the acceptance of the proposed climate index insurance plan by gardeners in Darab city were investigated using a Choice Experiment model with four characteristics of climate-based index insurance (the number of climate indicators covered type of orange, payment method and insurance premium per hectare).

Findings: If the insurance plan for Valencia Orange and insurance premiums is paid in installments, and on the other hand, if the insurance plan includes more climate indicators, gardeners are more likely to participate. Also, the number of indices (three indices) and the type of orange (Valencia) with 93112 and 24425 Tomans, respectively, have the highest willingness to pay among the various characteristics.

Conclusion: The Agricultural Insurance Fund, based on the important features of the Climate Index Insurance Plan, can provide complete information to gardeners to increase their participation in this plan.


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