Effective Factors on Income Distribution in Rural Areas of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Studnt of Economics, Department of Economics, Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch. Tehran , Iran.

2 Assistant Profosser of Economics, Department of Economics, Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch. Tehran , Iran.


In this regard, first, by using household income and expenditure data, income distribution indicators in rural areas are calculated. Then, the factors affecting these indicators will be investigated in the period of 2018-2018. Income distribution indices in this article are calculated in three categories and then using (2) regression model of the effects of financial variables Income distribution is calculated.

The results of this research indicate that increasing the tax rate in rural areas, if the distribution of income among the rich is not appropriate, can improve the mentioned distribution. But the government's expenses in general cause the distribution of income in favor of the poor, which is not significant when these expenses are divided into current and construction expenses. Also, the economic policymaker can use indirect taxes as a tool to stabilize income distribution in a favorable situation. In the end, the effect of financial development is different according to the state of income distribution in rural areas and Kuznets hypothesis is not confirmed in rural areas.


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