Investigation of factors affecting the almond and peach orchardists’ willingness to pay in Saman city

Document Type : Research Paper


1 1. Master's degree in Politics and Development, Faculty of Economics and Development, University of Tehran Agriculture Campus, Karaj, Iran

2 2. Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Economics & Agricultural Development, Colleges of Agricultural & Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran

3 3. Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Economics & Agricultural Development, Colleges of Agricultural & Natural Resources, University of Tehran Agricultural Campus, Karaj, Iran

4 4. Assistant Professor, Center for Development Research and Foresight, Tehran, Iran


In this research the factors affecting the willingness of Saman almond and peach orchardists to pay per cubic meter of zayanderood’s water in 2018 according to logit model was studied. Based on the obtained data from face-to-face interviews and the questionnaires filled by 152 orchardists according to random sampling method, the willingness to pay by the gardeners per cubic meter of water was estimated as 14860 Rials. The results of logit model also reveal that the education level, distance from the river, garden price, garden age and the type of product have a positive effect on people willingness to pay while the suggested price, horticultural history and the rate of water right have a negative effect on that. Since possibility of willingness to pay has a direct relationship with the education level and a reverse relationship with horticultural history, it is suggested to teach the importance and value of water to the orchardists by performing promotion education classes.


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