Factors Affecting Ecological and Economic Sustainability of Pistachio in Kerman

Document Type : Research Paper



Pistachio plays a great role in non-oil export in Iran. In order to assess sustainability index (SI) of pistachio, a study was conducted in the Kerman province. Sustainability indices included social, economic indices, fertilizer and chemicals, irrigation water, diversity of agricultural systems and weed management. Shahr-e Babak and Rafsanjan townships were selected. A sample of 160 pistachio producers selected and interviewed. Sustainability index calculated using Principle Components Analysis. Findings of the study showed that half of pistachio orchards were not considered sustainable. The stepwise regression analysis indicated that age, farming experience, farmer's education, organic fertilizer, animal manure, pistacho yield; mechanical weed control and value of water had positive effect on stability while application of chemical fertilizers did not add to the prediction ability of SI. Farmers, education and amount of water had negative impact on sustainability. 


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