Evaluating Economic Effect of Sefidrud River Inflow Reduction on Agriculture of Guilan Province

Document Type : Research Paper



At the last point of The Big Sefidrud basin, Ghezelozan River changes the name to the Sefidrud River after combining with Shahrud River. This river provides 80 percent of adjusted irrigation water in the province. In recent years, neglecting the total water resource of the Ghezelozan-Sefidrud basin several adjust and water storage facilities in upstream provinces had been constituted. The consequences of the mentioned strategy are inflow reduction and water resource management crisis in the Guilan province. Present study, provide comprehensive vision of Sefidrud river inflow reduction on different consumption of this basin under different scenarios using Sefidrud River basin Hydrologic-Economic integrated model. Hence, extend sets of hydrologic and economic data of Sefidrud river basin include inflows, surface flows, return flows, yields, revenues and production costs of agriculture entrepreneurs are considered in modeling. Results of integrated model of the Sefidrud river basin revealed that on the average total forgone economic benefits in different use of the Sefidrud river basin per a cubic meter of the Ghezelozan-Sefidrud basin inflow reduction equals 1138 Rials. Also, under investigated scenarios, the average forgone economic benefits in agricultural consumption of Sefidrud River basin per cubic meter of the Ghezelozan-Sefidrud basin inflow reduction equals 1100 Riasl. Revising the approach of technical-economic evaluation for upstream water development projects and considering integrated manner for decision-making is an inevitable necessity for this basin.


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