Determining Main Success Factors of Private Sector Export Consortia in Iranian Industries using Grounded Theory Method and Fuzzy Logic

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Phd Student of Industrial Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering. Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Industrial Engineering, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Since the export basket of our country is almost constant and the need to develop agricultural exports in the export basket of the country is felt, planning to increase exports through the formation of export certificates is needed.The formation and strengthening of export consortia is essential, and to achieve it, special attention should be paid to the critical success factors of these consortia and the behavior of these factors over time in the form of a whole system. Based on the method of data collection and analysis, the current research has a qualitative approach and strategy and is part of the critical paradigm. Also, the field research is used to collect data and information. In the qualitative phase of field part, structured, exploratory, collaborative interviews were used, and for data analysis, grounded theory techniques and brainstorming sessions were applied. The findings indicate that "characteristics of consortium members" is the most key and influential factor identified. Meanwhile, "export operational plan", "transnational factors" and "product features" respectively have the highest index of focus. This research develops literature on the critical success factors of export consortia and the stages of their creation and can provide in-depth insights into export consortia.
