Socio-economic Study of Expanding Pistachio Orchards by Kerman's Pistachio Producers in other Provinces

Document Type : Research Paper



As water scarcity is enhancing in Kerman province, some of pistachio producers transferred their capital to other provinces in order to produce pistachio. In this study, using analysis of variance method, socio-economic effects of investment in new places by Kerman's pistachio producers was investigated. A sample of 206 farmers was selected, using stratified random sampling method. The results showed that those farmers who have not invested in other provinces had more willingness to protect water resources in their own. In other words, farmers who transfer to new places have less incentive to protect water resources in their own native place. The results also showed that the farmers who invest without permanent residence, have less incentive to protect water resources in new places. In other words, investment in new places shold be done by farmers who are permanent resident in new places or government must increase control water pumping in both old and new places. If not, water degradation in all pistachio producing areas will increase.


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