Studying Regional Growth Convergence in Iranian Agricultural Sector

Document Type : Research Paper



This paper analyses the process of convergence across the provinces of Iran. To derive evidence of convergence in provinces of Iran we apply the traditional β-convergence techniques as derived from the neoclassical growth theories) Solow methods. (In order to do so, a sample of 28 Iranian provinces is considered for the 2001-2011 period. Accordingly, under this situation, two well-known convergence model σ-convergence and beta convergence(including absolute β-convergence and β conditional convergence) were tested over this period .The main findings indicate that: (a) there is a convergence among real per capita GVA in Iran provinces, (b) government policies affect the regional growth of real per capita GVA’s positively. (c) Variables such as the number of employees in agricultural sector, public spending, banking facilities for agricultural sector and taxes have positive and statistically significant impacts on growth.


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