Keyword Index


  • Adverse selection Effects of Crop Insurance on Productivity and Risk Management: a Case Study of Fars Province [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 1-24]
  • Agricultural Sector Evaluation of Agricultural Sector Strategies in Five Year Development Plans in Iran [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 37-63]
  • Agricultural Sector Estimating Energy Demand in Agricultural Sector of Iran [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 147-162]
  • Agricultural Sector Article title: Impact of Real Exchange Rate Uncertainty on Agricultural Sector Growth in Iran [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 27-46]
  • Allocative efficiency Determination of Efficiency of Almond producers in Kerman province:A Case Study of Sirjan [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 117-132]
  • Almond Determination of Efficiency of Almond producers in Kerman province:A Case Study of Sirjan [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 117-132]
  • Area expansion Study of Factors Affecting Rapeseed Area Expansion in Kerman Province [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 1-16]



  • Chabahar Assessment of Profitability and Efficiency of Shrimp Farms at Guar District in Chabahr Region [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 17-3]
  • Chahnimeh Estimation of Chahnimeh Recreational Value: Application of Contingent Valuation Method [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 169-187]
  • Chicken Price Discovery in Chicken Market:An Application of Directed Acyclic Graph [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 79-98]
  • Comparative Advantage Comparative Advantage and World Market Structure of Saffron [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 59-76]
  • Comparative Advantage Investigation of Comparative Advantage and Supporting Policies of Date in Kerman Province [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 99-116]
  • Comparative Advantage Competitiveness of Main Crops in Mazandaran Province: Application of Mathematical Programming Model [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 89-108]
  • Consumption The Impacts of Import Tariff Policy on Domestic Rice Market in Iran [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 1-20]
  • Contingent Valuation Method Estimation of Chahnimeh Recreational Value: Application of Contingent Valuation Method [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 169-187]
  • Cotton Technical, Allocative and Economic Efficiency of Cotton growing Farmers in Golestan Province : Case Study of Gorgan [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 121-141]
  • Credit Role of Early Returns Credit on Development of Livestock Farms [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 137-155]
  • Crop insurance Effects of Crop Insurance on Productivity and Risk Management: a Case Study of Fars Province [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 1-24]
  • Crops Competitiveness of Main Crops in Mazandaran Province: Application of Mathematical Programming Model [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 89-108]


  • Dairy Cooperatives Analysis the Effects of Dairy Cooperatives on Employment and Production in Fars Province: Application of Linear-fuzzy Regression Model [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 21-35]
  • Dairy plants Factors Affecting Visitors Willingness to Pay in Sardabeh Recreation Zone in Ardebil Province [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 37-59]
  • Dairy plants Economic Investment Feasibility For Constructing Dairy Plants under Uncertainty Conditions [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 47-72]
  • Data Envelopment Analysis Determining Efficiency of Irrigation Water use in Gharehgom Basin with Emphasis on Weighted Restrictions [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 73-88]
  • Date Investigation of Comparative Advantage and Supporting Policies of Date in Kerman Province [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 99-116]
  • Dates Study of Marketing and Export Problems of Dates in Khozestan Province [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 151-167]
  • Development ranking Ranking of Townships in Kohgiloyeh and Boyerahmad Province in terms of Development using Fuzzy Approach [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 117-136]
  • Domestic Resource Cost Investigation of Comparative Advantage and Supporting Policies of Date in Kerman Province [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 99-116]


  • Economic evaluation Economic Evaluation of Irrigation Methods on Yield of Potato Varieties in Isfahan Province [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 143-164]
  • Economic Growth The Relationship between Income Inequality and Economic Growth in Urban and Rural Areas of Iran: Application of [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 165-180]
  • Effective factors Study of Factors Affecting Rapeseed Area Expansion in Kerman Province [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 1-16]
  • Effective Protection Coefficient Investigation of Comparative Advantage and Supporting Policies of Date in Kerman Province [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 99-116]
  • Effective Protection Rate Effect of Protection Policies of Government on Production of Sunflowers Seed in Iran [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 133-146]
  • Efficiency Assessment of Profitability and Efficiency of Shrimp Farms at Guar District in Chabahr Region [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 17-3]
  • Efficiency Technical, Allocative and Economic Efficiency of Cotton growing Farmers in Golestan Province : Case Study of Gorgan [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 121-141]
  • Elasticity The Effect of Price Changes and Income on Rice Consumption Pattern in Shiraz [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 77-100]
  • Employment Role of Early Returns Credit on Development of Livestock Farms [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 137-155]
  • Employment Analysis the Effects of Dairy Cooperatives on Employment and Production in Fars Province: Application of Linear-fuzzy Regression Model [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 21-35]
  • Energy Demand function Estimating Energy Demand in Agricultural Sector of Iran [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 147-162]


  • Fars province Analysis the Effects of Dairy Cooperatives on Employment and Production in Fars Province: Application of Linear-fuzzy Regression Model [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 21-35]
  • Fennel Place of Iran in Export of Fennel: The Export Comparative Advantage Approach [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 81-95]
  • Frontier Production Function Technical, Allocative and Economic Efficiency of Cotton growing Farmers in Golestan Province : Case Study of Gorgan [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 121-141]
  • Fuzzy method Ranking of Townships in Kohgiloyeh and Boyerahmad Province in terms of Development using Fuzzy Approach [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 117-136]
  • Fuzzy Programming Analysis of Water Swings and Optimizing Water Consumption in the Agricultural Sector of Sistan Region: Application of fuzzy approach [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 37-59]


  • Gharehghom Basin Determining Efficiency of Irrigation Water use in Gharehgom Basin with Emphasis on Weighted Restrictions [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 73-88]
  • Goal programming Determination of Optimum Water Allocation in Mahabad Dam: Application of Lexicographic Goal Programming [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 1-16]
  • Golestan Province Technical, Allocative and Economic Efficiency of Cotton growing Farmers in Golestan Province : Case Study of Gorgan [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 121-141]
  • Growth Article title: Impact of Real Exchange Rate Uncertainty on Agricultural Sector Growth in Iran [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 27-46]
  • Guilan Province Productivity of Production Factors in Broilers Production: Case Study of Gilan Province [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 97-114]


  • Hedonic pricing Price and Quality Relationships in Pistachio Market in Kerman [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 157-172]
  • Homogeneity Restriction Can Imposing Homogeity Restriction Improve the Forecast Accuracy of VECM? The Case of Meat Consumption in Urban Area of Iran [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 109-120]


  • Imports Welfare Effects of import tariff Reduction on rice market in Iran [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 181-197]
  • Import tariff The Impacts of Import Tariff Policy on Domestic Rice Market in Iran [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 1-20]
  • Interval TOPSIS Factors Affecting Visitors Willingness to Pay in Sardabeh Recreation Zone in Ardebil Province [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 37-59]
  • Interval TOPSIS Economic Investment Feasibility For Constructing Dairy Plants under Uncertainty Conditions [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 47-72]
  • Investment theory Study of Factors Affecting Investment and Ways of Securing Liquidity:Case Study of Rural Cooperatives in Fars Province [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 17-37]
  • Iran Place of Iran in Export of Fennel: The Export Comparative Advantage Approach [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 81-95]
  • Iran Impacts of Real Exchange Rate and its Uncertainty on Private Investment in Agricultural Sector [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 131-149]
  • Iran Comparative Advantage and World Market Structure of Saffron [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 59-76]
  • Iran Study of Iranian pistachio export market Situation [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 101-116]
  • Iran The Impacts of Import Tariff Policy on Domestic Rice Market in Iran [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 1-20]
  • Iran Article title: Impact of Real Exchange Rate Uncertainty on Agricultural Sector Growth in Iran [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 27-46]


  • Kerman Investigation of Comparative Advantage and Supporting Policies of Date in Kerman Province [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 99-116]
  • Kerman Province Study of Factors Affecting Rapeseed Area Expansion in Kerman Province [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 1-16]
  • Khozestan Study of Marketing and Export Problems of Dates in Khozestan Province [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 151-167]
  • Kohgiloyeh and Boyerahmad Ranking of Townships in Kohgiloyeh and Boyerahmad Province in terms of Development using Fuzzy Approach [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 117-136]


  • Linear programming model Competitiveness of Main Crops in Mazandaran Province: Application of Mathematical Programming Model [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 89-108]
  • Livestock enterprises Role of Early Returns Credit on Development of Livestock Farms [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 137-155]


  • Mahabad Dam Determination of Optimum Water Allocation in Mahabad Dam: Application of Lexicographic Goal Programming [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 1-16]
  • Mashhad district Determination of Optimal Cropping Pattern under Uncertainty in Mashhad District: Application of Multi-objective Programming [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 163-180]
  • Matching method Role of Early Returns Credit on Development of Livestock Farms [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 137-155]
  • Mazandaran Province Competitiveness of Main Crops in Mazandaran Province: Application of Mathematical Programming Model [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 89-108]
  • Meat Consumption Can Imposing Homogeity Restriction Improve the Forecast Accuracy of VECM? The Case of Meat Consumption in Urban Area of Iran [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 109-120]
  • Moral hazard Effects of Crop Insurance on Productivity and Risk Management: a Case Study of Fars Province [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 1-24]
  • Multi-Objective Programming Determination of Optimal Cropping Pattern under Uncertainty in Mashhad District: Application of Multi-objective Programming [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 163-180]
  • Multiple Attribute Decision Making Factors Affecting Visitors Willingness to Pay in Sardabeh Recreation Zone in Ardebil Province [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 37-59]
  • Multiple Attribute Decision Making Economic Investment Feasibility For Constructing Dairy Plants under Uncertainty Conditions [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 47-72]


  • Nominal protection rate Effect of Protection Policies of Government on Production of Sunflowers Seed in Iran [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 133-146]


  • Optimization of water resources Analysis of Water Swings and Optimizing Water Consumption in the Agricultural Sector of Sistan Region: Application of fuzzy approach [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 37-59]


  • Pistachio Study of Iranian pistachio export market Situation [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 101-116]
  • Pistachio market Price and Quality Relationships in Pistachio Market in Kerman [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 157-172]
  • Planting patterns Analysis of Water Swings and Optimizing Water Consumption in the Agricultural Sector of Sistan Region: Application of fuzzy approach [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 37-59]
  • Potato Economic Evaluation of Irrigation Methods on Yield of Potato Varieties in Isfahan Province [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 143-164]
  • Price Discovery Price Discovery in Chicken Market:An Application of Directed Acyclic Graph [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 79-98]
  • Private investment Impacts of Real Exchange Rate and its Uncertainty on Private Investment in Agricultural Sector [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 131-149]
  • Production The Impacts of Import Tariff Policy on Domestic Rice Market in Iran [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 1-20]
  • Production Analysis the Effects of Dairy Cooperatives on Employment and Production in Fars Province: Application of Linear-fuzzy Regression Model [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 21-35]
  • Production Function Productivity of Production Factors in Broilers Production: Case Study of Gilan Province [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 97-114]
  • Production Function Determination of Efficiency of Almond producers in Kerman province:A Case Study of Sirjan [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 117-132]
  • Productivity Productivity of Production Factors in Broilers Production: Case Study of Gilan Province [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 97-114]



  • Rapeseed Study of Factors Affecting Rapeseed Area Expansion in Kerman Province [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 1-16]
  • Recreational value Estimation of Chahnimeh Recreational Value: Application of Contingent Valuation Method [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 169-187]
  • Revealed comparative advantage Place of Iran in Export of Fennel: The Export Comparative Advantage Approach [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 81-95]
  • Rice The Effect of Price Changes and Income on Rice Consumption Pattern in Shiraz [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 77-100]
  • Rice Market The Impacts of Import Tariff Policy on Domestic Rice Market in Iran [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 1-20]
  • Rice Market Welfare Effects of import tariff Reduction on rice market in Iran [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 181-197]


  • Saffron Comparative Advantage and World Market Structure of Saffron [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 59-76]
  • Shrimp farms Assessment of Profitability and Efficiency of Shrimp Farms at Guar District in Chabahr Region [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 17-3]
  • Sistan Analysis of Water Swings and Optimizing Water Consumption in the Agricultural Sector of Sistan Region: Application of fuzzy approach [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 37-59]
  • Sistan and Baluchestan Estimation of Chahnimeh Recreational Value: Application of Contingent Valuation Method [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 169-187]
  • Specialization Study of Iranian pistachio export market Situation [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 101-116]
  • Sprinkler Irrigation Economic Evaluation of Irrigation Methods on Yield of Potato Varieties in Isfahan Province [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 143-164]
  • Systematic risk Effects of Crop Insurance on Productivity and Risk Management: a Case Study of Fars Province [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 1-24]


  • Tape irrigation Economic Evaluation of Irrigation Methods on Yield of Potato Varieties in Isfahan Province [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 143-164]
  • Tariffs Welfare Effects of import tariff Reduction on rice market in Iran [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 181-197]
  • Technical efficiency Productivity of Production Factors in Broilers Production: Case Study of Gilan Province [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 97-114]
  • Technical efficiency Determination of Efficiency of Almond producers in Kerman province:A Case Study of Sirjan [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 117-132]
  • Technical efficiency Effects of Crop Insurance on Productivity and Risk Management: a Case Study of Fars Province [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 1-24]
  • Tobit model Study of Factors Affecting Rapeseed Area Expansion in Kerman Province [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 1-16]


  • Vector Error Correction Model Estimating Energy Demand in Agricultural Sector of Iran [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 147-162]
  • Vector Error Correction Models Can Imposing Homogeity Restriction Improve the Forecast Accuracy of VECM? The Case of Meat Consumption in Urban Area of Iran [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 109-120]
  • Vegetable Oil Effect of Protection Policies of Government on Production of Sunflowers Seed in Iran [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 133-146]


  • Water Allocation Determination of Optimum Water Allocation in Mahabad Dam: Application of Lexicographic Goal Programming [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 1-16]
  • Welfare Effects Welfare Effects of import tariff Reduction on rice market in Iran [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 181-197]